This year’s outing will be to Berkeley Castle by coach with Bakers Dolphin and will take place on Wednesday 2nd October. This will be a 44 seat executive coach which has a toilet.
In October there will be about 20 of the 2023 Strictly Come Dancing costumes on display with full information in the Great Hall of the Castle. There is a guided tour for 2 groups of members to get the history of the Castle and they will then be able to go back into the Castle and take their time to have a good look at the costumes. Be aware that there are a lot of steps up to enter the Castle keep, but the guides allow plenty of time and it should be possible for all abilities to cope. Inside there are also many steps and some flights of stairs, but all have handrails. There are also lovely gardens to wander around and the Church. Edward Jenner’s house, where he invented the smallpox vaccine, is just outside the gates on the way into Berkeley itself – 10 minutes easy walk to town.

The itinerary is as follows:
10.0am – Pick up from Tesco Clevedon where cars can be left for the day, please car share if possible.
11.0 am – Arrive at Berkeley Castle. Time for a coffee in the newly opened cafe if desired.
12 noon – Guided tour of the Castle – approximately 1hr 15 mins.
1.15pm – Lunch. There are several options – Berkeley Castle cafe, a picnic for which there are plenty of tables available, or there are 2 cafes and an hotel in Berkley itself.
Members will then be free to spend the afternoon as they wish looking at the costumes and gardens or visiting the Church.
5.15pm – Return by coach from Berkeley Castle car park arriving in Clevedon at 6.15pm
If any members wish to travel independently but join our tour, benefitting from the Group rate, this might be possible, but we would need to fill the coach first.
£10 deposit is needed by or at July meetings to secure a place. The balance will then be due at September meetings.