Tickenham WI was formed in 1926, and February marks our 99th birthday. To celebrate this remarkable milestone two very talented members made this superb cake, which we enjoyed with a cup of…
Category: Yeo Valley Group WI
January News and Updates
Tickenham WI Small Interest Club dates coming up soon: Lunch Club – 12.30pm on 6th February at The Old Farmhouse, Trendlewood Way, Nailsea BS48 2PF. Please contact Rose. Book Club on 23rd…
New events and Christmas displays
The next Lunch Club date is November 7th, 1.15pm at “Carriages” the cafe at Tickenham Garden Park. Please let Rose know if you’d like to go. Nailsea WI are holding a fun…
October news and updates
Fairy tales are to be the inspiration for the Tickenham Village Church Christmas decorations this year. The Tickenham Parish Magazine has some suggestions to fire the imagination of would-be decorators, including tales…
A day at Berkeley Castle
Despite the overcast weather, twenty-nine members of the Yeo Valley Group of WIs spent a very interesting and enjoyable day visiting Berkeley Castle, the ancient home of the Berkeley family. When the…
Yeo Valley Group Outing
This year’s outing will be to Berkeley Castle by coach with Bakers Dolphin and will take place on Wednesday 2nd October. This will be a 44 seat executive coach which has a…
June News and Updates
The June Meeting included the wonderful Tickenham WI Strawberry Tea, which was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to everyone who helped, and especially our hard working committee. There are a few updates to…
May News and Updates
The May Tickenham WI meeting was the usual very enjoyable event. We heard some interesting anecdotes from our speaker about his life and work as a financial anti-fraud specialist and he shared…
Yeo Valley Group WI Events 2025
Please check back as this information will be updated from time to time. The Yeo Valley Group is part of Avon Federation, which covers an area of North Somerset, Bath and North…