Our February Meeting is on the 9th. The talk title is an intriguing one for those with a taste for tales of ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night. Our speaker is John Crockford-Hawley and his subject is “Ghosts and Murders in Weston-super-Mare”.
The competition is “A Ghost Legend”, must be 100 words or less.
A couple of reminders – tickets for the Spring Lunch on 11th March will be available at the Meeting. The price is £12 for a two-course lunch, with a glass of wine and tea or coffee.
There are some additions to the Avon FWI calendar for May, an outing to Blenheim Palace on Thursday 8th May and the AFWI Federation Quiz on Wednesday 14th May. Further details are to be found in February’s Avon News.