The June Meeting included the wonderful Tickenham WI Strawberry Tea, which was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to everyone who helped, and especially our hard working committee.
There are a few updates to share about upcoming events:
July 4th Lunch Club at Garden Park, Tickenham. Arrive for ordering at approx. 12.30pm.
Please contact Rose Ray (telephone number on the programme) to let her know you’re coming.
The Ploughman’s Lunch is on Tuesday 16th July. The cost is £7.50.
Tickenham WI volunteers are needed to help with the teas for the Tickenham Flower Show. Please add your name to the list at the next meeting, or get in touch, via
The Yeo Valley Group Outing to Berkley Castle is on the 2nd of October, cost is £29. The trip includes a tour of castle which also has an exhibition of Strictly Come Dancing costumes. Follow the link for further details.